Text UI

Standalone Text-ui with clean design


Show Text UI


params: [
    data: table [
        id: 'string',
        icon: 'string',
        key: 'string'
        message: 'string',

exports.ls_textui:showTextUI({id = 'clothing_store', key = 'E', message = 'Open clothing store'})
exports.ls_textui:showTextUI({id = 'clothing_store', icon = 'far fa-basket-shopping-simple', message = 'Open clothing store'})

You can use a key like 'E' or an icon like 'far fa-car', but only font awesome icons are supported.

Hide Text UI

Support two type, string or table,

If you have only one text UI that you want to hide, you can simply use a string to hide it.

If you have more than one text UI, you can use a table format and list them one after another, like this:
exports.ls_textui:hideTextUI({'example_1', 'example_2', 'example_3'})

Get Text UI's

local retreval = exports.ls_textui:getTextUIs()

This export returns the currently available text UIs. 
If there are no active text UIs, it will return false.

Last updated